Changing Lifestyle : 2 Simple Methods To Manage Your Anger

2 Simple Methods To Manage Your Anger

What is Anger? Anger is just like other emotions we have. It's natural, It's not necessarily bad, depends on situation and we all have to know that how to handle it. All we knows that anger is an emotional feelings and an expression which we all have from time to time. Every one of us reacts to anger differently. Some of us may feel a great urgency to smash something. some  people shouts at the top of their lungs to vent their anger while remain silent throughout the entire time.

It's a dangerous emotion. Anger can lead to destructive consequences. Sadly, maximum people do not have any form of training or instruction on how to deal with these emotions. As a result, you often see tragedies happening in the news or on TV about how someone who is angry decided to do something terrible to others.

There are many ways to mange anger effectively and here are 2 simple methods you can try.

1. Create a destructive outlet

I know many anger management experts would tell you to control your emotions when angry however it's easy to say but difficult to do and not always possible.

In my way of managing is to identify a destructive outlet where I can vent my anger without damaging anything or anyone. For me it is a small corner of my bedroom. For you, it could be anywhere in your toilet, the park. Basically somewhere where you would feel peace and quiet and have a moment to yourself.

2. Acknowledge Your Anger

One thing I've learned from anger management experts is to know when you are angry. Yes it is important to point out when you are angry In order to control your anger, the first step is to identify it. Only when you identify the emotion, you can take steps to control it. It makes sense, does it?

To identify your anger, you have to know what things or events make you angry easily. This depends on the individual and you have to explore it on your own.

Let me give you an example. My wife used to be easily angry whenever the house is dirty because she likes cleanliness. The slightest dirt on the floor will make her irate and she will start shouting and screaming.

Since identifying the cause of her anger, she is now better able to manage it and no longer starts to scream and shout.

One last thing, Learning how to identify and overcome your anger will give you an advantage over the majority of people and can assist you in your family and work life as well.

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Passionate blogger and Founder of Tech Readers Club and C-Tech Outsourcing. Like to learn new things and crazy fan of Chromatics Band.

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