MAC Application : iStat Menus 6.00 Free

iStat Menus Free

iStat Menus 6.00

iStat Menus lets you monitor your system right from the menu bar. Included are 8 menu extras that let you monitor every aspect of your system. iStat Menus 5 sports a completely new design - new menu bar icons, new drop down menus, and the app and icon itself have all been redesigned to be cleaner, clearer and more at home on Yosemite. Menu bar graphs can now use dark backgrounds, improving legibility.


CPU - Monitor cpu usage. 7 display modes, multiple core support.

Memory - Monitor memory usage. 4 display modes, page ins/outs and swap usage display.

Disks - Monitor disk usage and activity. 6 display modes, ability to hide disks you don't want to see.

Network - Monitor current and total bandwidth, peak bandwidth, IP addresses, and the ability to hide network connections you don’t want to see.

Temps - Monitor the temperature of your Mac. 2 display modes, ability to hide sensors you don’t want to see.

Fans - Monitor the fan speeds in your Mac. 2 display modes, ability to hide sensors you don’t want to see.

Bluetooth - Control Bluetooth status plus monitor the battery level of your Apple wireless keyboard or mouse.

Date & Time - Date and time in your menu bar. World clock display lets you see the time in multiple locations around the world.

Weather - with current temperature, hourly forecast, weekly overview and so much more.


OS X 10.8 or later, 64-bit processor

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